The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118341   Message #2558676
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Feb-09 - 01:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Record-Breaking Breasts 38KKK
Subject: RE: BS: Record-Breaking Breasts 38KKK
Geez, Bert! I had never thought about those lotion bottles you mention in that respect....but, yeah. One more example of the endless barrage of both obvious and subliminal sexual messages in advertising.

And then there are the popular women's magazines that one sees at the grocery store checkout. They invariably have headlines on the cover for at least one, often more than one article about sex:

"New moves in bed that will have your man in ecstasy!"

"Is your orgasm as good as it could be?"

"What does he really want you to do for him?"

"Twelve new positions you will LOVE!"

"Who is he imagining in his head when he makes love to you?"


It's incredible. Just go to your grocery store right now, go to the checkout and take a look at what the women's magazines have to say. Not as gross as the men's magazines, for sure, but equally obsessed with the same basic subject.

Now, open your Yahoo webpage. Have a look at the "News" headlines. I bet you 9 to 1 odds that one of them has to do with sex. That's "news"? Well, whoever is in charge appears to think so...or is it just that they know darned well which bait keeps the fish biting? And how to keep us all distracted, doped, and compliant?