The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23165   Message #255886
Posted By: Kim C
11-Jul-00 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do you hate silence?
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
Kendall, I will confess to probably spending too much time in my own head! After all, that's how I write songs. Sometimes I want to be in my head and nobody will just Leave Me Alone. I used to have quiet time driving to and from work but since Mister's truck died and we've been driving each other around, I don't even really have that and have to finagle some quiet here and there. I'm hoping to sneak off to the riverside this weekend for a few minutes - ALONE!

Sometimes I feel like Danny Glover in one of those Lethal Weapon movies ---- whichever one it was where they put the bomb in the toilet. And he's sitting there, saying, the one time I -finally- get the bathroom to myself..... Now, I've never had my toilet bombed, but I think y'all know what I mean. And I don't even have any kids!