The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23165   Message #255888
Posted By: Hollowfox
11-Jul-00 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do you hate silence?
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
I find myself pretty much agreeing with everybody here, although at different times. Mbo, I like your musical combinations. I'll try out all manner of musical styles (as well as foods, books, movies, non-musical live entertainment) just to see if I like it. How else can you find new things to enjoy? That being said, there are things I've tried, considered, and decided that I don't care for them, or that I like them only once in a while (in all these categories, and more). I don't think that you intended this , but it kind of gets to me when there seems to be an onus to like one kind of music or another. There's nothing to keep someone from enjoying one (or several) types of music, but there have been times when it seemed that some people felt that everyone who liked folk music had an obligation to like all varieties equally: ballads, blues, Eastern European choral music, sitar music, English country dance, Bob Dylanesque long monologue songs, ..well, you get the idea. I like being able to try what I want, to decide what I do or don't like (and how much), and to change my mind. "Once, Tamurlane the Conquorer had a delicious meal containing aubergines (eggplant), and declaired it to be the best, most noble food in the world. Nasreddin (his councillor) agreed. The cook heard this, and for the next six weeks Tamurlane had nothing but aubergines persented him at mealtimes. At last he declaired that he never wanted to see another aubergine again, that it was the most miserable food on earth. Nasreddin agreed wholeheartedly. A courtier asked Nasreddin how he could publicly state that the aubergine was both the most noble and the most miserable of foods. Nasreddin said that his fealty was to the monarch, not the vegetable." (Thus endeth the rant of the day.)