The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23165 Message #255922
Posted By: Mooh
11-Jul-00 - 04:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Do you hate silence?
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
Kendall. I rather enjoy alot of music which you find unpleasant, but I can't be offended by your opinion, after all you share it with (among others) my Dad, who is chiefly responsible for my love of music in the first place. I play electric guitar loud and fast sometimes for a fix, and I listen to the same. I also have wide tastes in music. I bet former neighbours wouldn't have understood my love of pipe organ music, had I been insensitive enough to play it loud enough for them to hear. Anyway, I'm not offended, and I can still share in your tastes. My guess is I fall about halfway between your and Mbo's respective ages, I hope I'm not some sort of missing link...Peace Brother. Mooh.