The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118336 Message #2559352
Posted By: GUEST,No Fixed Abode
06-Feb-09 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: A Mockery (BBC Folk Awards 2009)
Subject: RE: A Mockery (BBC Folk Awards 2009)
Hi Ruth, Just a couple of points in reply firstly it was not a petition it was 1000 individuals sending email requests into radio two using there time and there own words Secondly the reason people sent in the requests was because we accepted that the powers that be need to filter the good from the bad. Our fans were trying to show them that there is a market for our music the question posed was how many unsigned performers can get over 1000 requests……….
answers on a post card.
But you could be right maybe we are crap! WLD can we come and sit in your corner!!!