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Thread #117438   Message #2559483
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Feb-09 - 05:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'
Subject: RE: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'
One may not yet know how to test a hypothesis. That doesn't mean it's untestable, it just means we don't know how to test it yet. That may change.

Strinsinger, yes...I suppose that the idea of the One is monotheistic. You could say it is. But don't people usually assume that monotheism places a distinct God amongst many other things...or outside of them...or above any rate, apart from those other things?

I make no such assumption about the One. If the One exists at all, then it is inclusive of all that exists, and it is not apart from anything, otherwise it woudn't be the One any more. I think that's different from most people's concept of monotheism, as they tend to see "God" as set apart from various other things.

I'm not seeing it as a separate being or power that judges, rewards, punishes lesser beings, etc...I'm seeing it as the complete totality of all existence and consciousness itself. I'm seeing existence itself as a form of powerful intelligence in continual process and evolutionary change, rather than as a bunch of haphazard and therefore meaningless physical events and phenomena. I'm seeing existence as part and parcel with intelligent consciousness, right down to the subatomic level and up to the macro level (galaxies, universes, the dimension of time and space).

Is that monotheism? Well, if you wish to call it that, I don't object...but to me can be both monotheism and polythyism simultaneously, as well as neither of them.

In a's inexpressible. You and I can talk about it all we want, but our words will never succeed in defining it, because they are only words, and words cannot ultimately describe what we are dealing with here. They are just second-hand mental symbols, nothing more...only a direct experience of something can fully convey what is not expressible in words about that something.

You know this as soon as you do directly experience anything, whether it be eating an apple, kissing someone you love, feeling true friendship, or having any other real and moving experience. Only by consciously living a reality in the moment of its happening can we know it. Words are simply not enough.

Thus our conversation here, entertaining as it is to the mind (which loves to chatter and debate and question and contradict), is not going to succeed in unravelling the ultimate truth about much of anything.

It'll just momentarily appease those hungry minds which think words are enough. And they'll soon find they are hungry again. And again. And again. Without letup. That's how the hungry mind works. It is incapable of anything more than the briefest satisfaction (in a moment of imagined victory), and it never rests except when it gets intoxicated or when it sleeps. It is the slavemaster, and most people are its helpless and unwitting slaves during 98% of their waking lives.