The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23192   Message #255995
Posted By: JenEllen
11-Jul-00 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Summer Camp stunts
Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
LOL 'Spaw!

Mbo: just go around for the rest of the summer replying to every statement with "I know you are but what am I" and every request with "Get off my case toilet face".....all the fun of summer camp without getting your ass tied out in the woods overnight.

We got my Dad once...camping out in Florida. We'd been going around freeing crabs from all the traps around the pond and generally pissing all the fisherman off. I left a note by the toilet in our cabin...
Dear Dad;
There's a crab in the toilet, so be careful....
if there is not a crab in the toilet, be careful...(it works on SO many levels..)
