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Thread #116727 Message #2560107
Posted By: Billy Weeks
07-Feb-09 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: Songbook Indexing: 19th Century Songbooks
Subject: RE: Songbook Indexing: 19th Century Songbooks
The Perfect Cure's Comic Songs, containing Forty-One of Mackney's, Stead's, Sam Collins' and Sam Cowell's best songs
Charles Sheard, London n.d. (1860s)
Words and piano accompaniments. The numbers are those allocated to the songs, not to page numbers. Authors/composers are noted below only when stated in the book. Sheard was the publisher of the long-running popular series 'The Musical Bouquet' and many of the songs in this book had previously been published in the Bouquet.
1. The Reg'lar Cure (Charles Sloman) 2. Love's Perfect Cure (same melody as last) 3. The Female Auctioneer 4. Aunt Jemima's Plaster (M A L) (related to 24) 5. Kill Patrick of Tully Muckles Greig or the Irish Letter (L V H Crosby) 6. The Irishman (J R Thomas) 7. The Old Maid or When I Was a Girl of Eighteen (S Winner) 8. Not to be Sneezed at 9. Johnny was a Shoemaker (F Corner) 10. Oh! My Love is a Sailor boy (La Manna) 11. My Betsy (air: Dixey's Land) (C Sloman) 12. Don't I Love my Dixie (same mel;ody as last) 13. In the Park! Or The Belgravian Lament (same melody as last) 14. The Captain with his Whiskers (T Comer) 15. Woman's Resolution (L Heath) 16. Be Quiet Do, I'll Call my Mother (J R Thomas) 17. The Ratcatcher's Daughter 18. Why did my Sarah Sell Me? (Howard Paul) 19. Minnie Clyde (L V H Crosby) 20. Villikins and his Dinah 21. The Lost Child (Thomas Hood) 22. Tim Turpin (Thomas Hood) 23. Number One (same melody as last) 24. Sheep Skin and Bees' Wax (related to 4) 25. Where are You Going to my Pretty Maid? 26. The first of September or The Cockney Sportsman 27. Lord Lovel 28. Hot Codlings 29. The Irish Wedding (Dibdin) 30. The Spider and the Fly (Henry Russell) 31. The Cork Leg 32. The Steam Arm (same melody as last) 33. Billy Vite and Nelly Green or The Ghost of a Sheep's Head 34. Umbrella Courtship (G R Chapman) 35. Giles Scroggins 36. Yankee's Return fromCamp (air: Yankee doodle) 37. The One Horse Shay 38. I'd Rather be a Daisy than Any Other Flower (C.Sloman/F Buckley) 39. Revolutionary Tea (on the subject of the American Rebellion) 40. Peter Gray (arr J Wade) 41. Lord Bateman