The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118431   Message #2560355
Posted By: Micca
07-Feb-09 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brendan Behan isms
Subject: RE: BS: Brendan Behan isms
heres 2 on the subject of Poteen
1 "Its like trying to swallow a torchlight procession"
2 "Its like drinking barbed wire"

The Brendan story I liked was in London (might have been The Crown in Cricklewood) when he was a sucessful playwright with "The Quare fellow" being done at the Old Vic, someone tried to tap him for a sub (borrow money) Brendan refused the man, who took umbrage and said, "ah Behan, I remember a time when you didnt have 2 ha'pence to rub together" and Brendan replied " You don't remember it half as well as I do"