The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92760   Message #2560379
Posted By: VirginiaTam
07-Feb-09 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ban on 'The Wind That Shakes The Barley'
Subject: RE: BS: Ban on 'The Wind That Shakes The Barley'
ok... so I don't want to start a new thread but I just got to scream some where.

My darling lovely English (very left wing) husband keeps getting these films and I sit and watch. And innocent little yank I am repeatedly appalled at how inhumane and horrid English power has been not just to the Irish (Wind the Shakes the Barley) and the Scots (Brave Heart) but even to their own in films like Billiy Elliot and Kes.

I just saw In the Name of the Father for the first time. I was shaking and gasping with weeping. I was so angry I kept pushing away my lovely partner who was only trying to comfort me. He is English and bloody well convenient for me to take my rage out on, poor sod.

I have a headache now. How the hell am I going to sleep tonight?