The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23197   Message #256050
Posted By: Jim the Bart
11-Jul-00 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Most embarrasing album?
Subject: RE: BS: Most embarrasing album?
Darn - I was just getting started when I got booted off. Actually, there are too many bad ones to mention them all. I just got my turntable hooked up after about ten years in storage and I was revisiting some old albums I hadn't heard in a long time. It just so happened I pulled out the first Earl Scruggs Revue album this past weekend. The singing was awful. And it did seem that Earl was only around to humor his kids. I also listened to a Vassar Clements album that was really lame. And I always used to like him.

The most embarassing album I ever bought, though, doesn't fit that category because of the quality of the music. I remember finding this album at a supermarket, years ago when I was just getting into folk music. All it said was "Woody" in big black letters on a silver background. I snatched it up thinking, "Hot Dog! Woody Guthrie!!" It turned out to be Woody Herman and his Thundering Herd playing Big Band Jazz. Not bad, but not the Woody I expected (insert your own Woody joke here). I guess the lesson is - read the fine print.