The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112758   Message #2560594
Posted By: open mike
08-Feb-09 - 01:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Open Mike has lost her home & contents 2008
Subject: RE: BS: Open Mike has lost her home and contents
hoo boy i had just crafted a great post and "poof" it disappeared with the twitch of my little finger...

but basically i am alive (if not so well--have a monster cold and cough) and find something to look forward to every day. tomorrow
a guy with a portable lumber mill will come to see about turning
these trees that have already lost their lives...into lumber so that
they can be used to replace the shelter lost in the fire. we have
nothing but dead timber here for miles around. i used to be anti-
logging to some extent, but it seems the only hope here now is for
salvage logging.

i am in my small motor home which i had intended to use only for temporary weekend music fest and travel, but it is a roof over my head and better than being on the street.

many dumpsters full of debris and ash and metal have been cleared out of here. the fire leaves behind mountains of stuff to deal with..
i did take my kitty to the kennel so she would have a safe dry warm place to be with regular meals and not have to fend for her self against packs of wild dogs and predators. i visit occasionally.

some folks have taken what i call the easy way out and pulled in trailers, mobile homes and pre-fab manufactured modular homes and are getting on with living. i hope to put together a more unique home perhaps a straw bale, or maybe even a converted grain bin/silo well, now that would be a type of pre fab, now wouldn't it?!

some local folks have organized a project to help those hundreds who lost homes to rise up from the ashes...the Concow Phoenix Project.
I took a video of one of the sheds they built for a neighbor. it has
my beloved Wild Mountain in the background. i can see it from my r.v.
the movie was quick...shot one day, edited on my lap top in my r.v. to show the next day at a benefit dinner. it is here: on under videos. it has a sound track of Laurie Lewis singing Hills of My Home as i looks to the mountain beyond...

the hills are alive with the sound of chain la la....

i jsut got back from the national/international cowboy festival and heard some great music and poetry and got to make music too.

so life is good. Laurel