My summer camp was the YMCA camp located on the south shore of a lake with a big long indian name which I couldn't pronounce then and sure as hell can't now either. I can't even remember how it was spelled...On the north shore of this lake was situated the YWCA camp!!! The alphabet soup for those not in the know stands for Young Men (Womens) Christian Alliance. What where they thinking...Putting these camps on opposite shores? On any given night one could observe canoes criss crossing the lake in search of devious activity! Overland missions were also not uncommon. In fact in one of our most glowing accomplishments, three canoes left our dock towards the girls camp. They were the diversionary forces. While all the young ladies(?) were standing on their shore awaiting the arrival of their attackers, the land force entered their camp from the rear with cans of shaving cream to fill any shoes that they stumbled upon. Rolls of toilet paper garland adorned many of the objects in that camp as well. On one of the attacks flour was used to brighten up the otherwise dingy cabin interiors. Our camp didn't go unscathed either! Some of those little vixen were VERY imaginative. One of those summers a few of us discovered also that it was much more enjoyable and beneficial to make LOVE, not war! Ah, those were the days!