The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118462   Message #2560989
Posted By: VirginiaTam
08-Feb-09 - 01:33 PM
Thread Name: carol thatcher death threats
Subject: RE: carol thatcher death threats
I had a friend owned a stuffed blonde doll in southern belle gown that you could flip over smooth the dress down over her head to reveal the black mammy doll. It fascinated me when I was little because it was a clever trick. Even at the tender age of eight I wonderered why the white side had a pretty dress on and the black side gingham and a patched apron.   At least this doll looked real and was painted attractively.

I find the g... dolls repugnant. They are no more than a racist caricature from a (thank gawd) bygone era. There is nothing remotely accruate about them compared to the people they were created to parody.

While I would never approve of a torch and pitchfork bearing village mob runnning purveyors of such goods out of town, I would not give them any custom and I would not be afraid to tell them why.