The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2561243
Posted By: Bobert
08-Feb-09 - 06:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
It takes a very twisted imagination to think that it's okay to kill a million people rather than just one...

Like who gives a flying fig about a 20 year old presidential order is those are the 2 choices...

Choice A: Follow a 20 year old presidential order, kill a million people, then kill Saddam or...

Choice B: Just kill Saddam and call it a day...

Ya' know, Sawz, you would make a lousy military leader because you have no ability to use common sense... You remind me of my brother-in-law who was also narrow minded and had no common sense... He was a career Army officer who did everything by the book... He was apssed over for promotions all his life becasue of it... You should read about Stonewall Jackson... Thqat was aman who would have fully understood the arguments that those4 of us on this side have repeatedly made... The book ain't gonna give you all the answersw... It didn't for my brother-in-law, it ain't for T and it ain't for you...

You can live yer life by an instruction manual if you like but keep this in mind: The mind is like a parachute, it's only works if it is open...

But you go ahead a stick with yer petty little presdiential order from Jerry Ford if that makes you fell any less guilty about the million Iraqis you and yers have murdered... Yes, you... You hand is in it as deep as Bush's becuase you refuse to admit that you were (and are) wrong...

Blix gave you and Bush an out but you were too steeoed in pride and dogma to take it...

Very sad for you... Very sad, indeed...

There is no revisionism here to turn the chicken shit into chicken salad...

You have chosen to cast your lot with people who historians will one day mention with Magabe and Hitler...

Like I said....Very sad for you...
