The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118245   Message #2561329
Posted By: Ron Davies
08-Feb-09 - 09:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nurse Suspended for praying ????
Subject: RE: BS: Nurse Suspended for praying ????
1) The nurse did not "stick her nose" where it was not wanted.   That's the case in point. She took "no" for an answer. It was reasonable for her to ask the question. Often the answer she probably gets is "yes".

And as Richard has pointed out, there is no legal case against her.

Any reference to people knocking on doors trying to convert the poster is a classic red herring. And tends to support the idea that the poster is rabidly anti-religion. Reasonable people should realize that sort of visit is the price you pay for living in the West--and maybe elsewhere.   And take it in stride.   It probably happens to most Mudcatters--and most do not have the sort of exaggerated reaction of the poster--unless there is something earlier in life which influences the reaction.

There is in fact no reason the nurse should ever have become an issue.

2)    There is one Mudcatter who ascribes all the ills of the world to religion--those that are not due to Mexicans.

3)   Where it is not considered good form to mock people on ethnic or sexual proclivity grounds--nor should it be--it is considered good fun on Mudcat to constantly mock the religious.   

4)   Virtually none of the anti-religion Mudcatters--of which there are many---acknowledge any good done by religion or religious people. These Mudcatters seem to have a special ax to grind against Christians. An amazing number of Mudcatters refuse to see that the "harm done by religion" is in fact done by abuse of religion.

If this is not so, let's see some acknowledgment of the good some religion--Christianity even-- has done--from some of the people who criticized the nurse.

As I pointed out earlier, it's certainly good that most of the fervently anti-religion Mudcatters are not from the US---since it's that attitude which dramatically strengthened the rabid Right in the US--and likely made the difference in the 2004 election. In the UK it has nowhere near as serious consequences.