The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118422   Message #2561342
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
08-Feb-09 - 09:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushfires in Australia - Feb 2009-2020
Subject: RE: BS: Bushfires in Australia - Feb 2009
latest count - 107 dead count is for recovered bodies - more will be found as police & others search the burnt areas. Local morgues are full & forensic teams from other states are in Victoria along with interstate firefighters and the army.

I've met Lyn - she spends most of her year in a small van travelling around to festivals - her computer, printer & sewing machine all have their places in the van, along with her instruments. Her machine embroideries of 3D native flowers featured in a display at the Botanical Gardens in Canberra a few years back.