The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118422   Message #2562034
Posted By: Joybell
09-Feb-09 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushfires in Australia - Feb 2009-2020
Subject: RE: BS: Bushfires in Australia - Feb 2009
25 years jail, Rapaire. The crime is regarded as murder if deaths are the result of the fire.
We've gone way beyond looking at simple causes like the inflamability of some of the Australian bush.
The ABC interview last night with a couple of scientists, with decades of study behind them both, left no doubt that they believe climate change has at the very least loaded the dice. They also said that they don't believe natural fluctuation can explain the conditions we saw on Saturday. As well as the whole of Australia, they have both been looking beyond this country -- at extreme weather and the changes related to it.
It was very sobering. I hope we continue to listen to experts like this.
I'm concerned that we'll get mired in opinions from everybody regardless of their knowledge of the subject and/or their invested interests.