The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117438   Message #2562290
Posted By: Stringsinger
09-Feb-09 - 07:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'
Subject: RE: BS: Atheists: No 'so help me God'
I think the world would be a different place if religion were investigated. I think that a lot of social problems such as world hunger, wars etc. could be put into proper perspective if we could look at the role that religion plays in these issues. Until now, religion has never really been questioned as to its validity in society. The hypothesis has not been questioned. That is changing. This question will have a bearing on how we view these issues. In the meantime,the more we see religion in politics in the US, the more backward we become as a nation.We deny Thomas Jefferson and Madison their point. (Keep religion out of politics). If religious people are threatened by this testing and criticism, their so-called faith can't be very strong.

That said, I would advocate that as an American citizen, we have the right to believe anything we want no matter how wacky it gets provided that it doesn't cause harm to society. When religion becomes tyrannical and it is forced down the throat (such as with taxpayers footing the bill for what they don't believe), then it needs to be examined. I think that this does impact on the poor being fed, ice floes melting, how we treat each other, war, the rise of militarism as a solution to problems, and how we regard ourselves.

Don't remember saying anything about mental illness being a socially defined condition.
I guess it's a matter of who's doing the defining.

I think that this is an important topic of discussion and Obama needs to hear from us non-believers more. Otherwise people will be swearing more at the bible than on it.
