The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2562394
Posted By: Sawzaw
09-Feb-09 - 11:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Bobert: How come you blast Bush and claim he has broken the law and needs to be impeached but he should have violated presidential executive orders?

You have him in a no win situation. No matter what he did, it was wrong according to you.

I agree, it would have been better to assassinate the SOB but it would not be Kosher and it would lead to all kind of liberal whining, crying and sucking snot about imperialisim.

Yeah, I agree too many people got killed but to let the situation continue would eventually cost more lives to be lost later on.

Why in the hell didn't Clinton really go after UBL in Afghanistan and get the bastard then? Or for that matter, why didn't Bush I keep after Saddam when he had him on the run? Either action would have saved many more lives down the road.