The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118245   Message #2562659
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
10-Feb-09 - 08:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nurse Suspended for praying ????
Subject: RE: BS: Nurse Suspended for praying ????
"An offer to pray represents a very real violation of another persons right to diversity and dignity. That this violation was not only committed by a health worker but in the home of patient amounts to a serious abuse of a professional privilege in the place where a person really ought to feel at their safest."

You know, the world is kinda falling to pieces at present. Perhaps it's falling to pieces because everyone has become so damned introspective and up their own arses about things which TRULY do NOT matter, that those with other agendas have crept in and taken so much of what we once had in this world.

It's clever. You create a society where basically no one trusts anyone else anymore, you make them imagine ulterior motives in absolutely everything, everywhere, create an Age of Suspicion...and guess what?   Not a soul notices or cares very much when planes get blown up, or banks run out of money, or we bail them out whilst they pay themselves millions in bonuses, or people are starving to death on one side of the planet, whilst dying from over-eating on the other, whilst children go into schools with guns and mow each other down, whilst a whole generation of young people become alcoholics, whilst our young girls have turned into hookers...'s FAR more important to discuss ad infinitum the (apparently) 'true EVILS' of a an 'EVIL' woman who dressed up in Nurse's clothing to deliver her 'hidden agenda' of terrifying old people in their own homes, holding them ransom until they read that damned prayer card and signed on the dotted line, so that she could report back to Headquarters that another Convert had been found...

Geez, people! Get your heads out of your arses and open your eyes to what REALLY matters in this world and see what PC has done to your minds and to the world in general!

Try creating an Age of Trust and leave your Age of Suspicion far behind.