The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23197 Message #256290
Posted By: GUEST,Roger the skiffler
12-Jul-00 - 08:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Most embarrasing album?
Subject: RE: BS: Most embarrasing album?
I was in the middle of a reply to this thread when we lost all power. Not just me, whole neighbourhood! Now back so here goes again, fingers crossed (perhaps the whole tale was too gruesome). I think I've told it before on another thread (and I don't have Art's excuse for CRS)but when has that ever stopped me? When I worked in scenic Deptford in the 1970s and lived in sunny Peckham I had to pass Chris Wellard's record shop each day and usually droped in for a rummage throught the bargain bin and the excellent jazz and blues section. One day when I got my purchases home instead of "Satch plays Fats" or similar, I had a Des O'Conner record which had got in the wrong sleeve. Chris W exchanged it without hesitation, he was only worried that I might have played it without noticing and been taken ill! (well he was used to my musical tastes by then). Alas, after I moved the shop closed and I believe he is now only a wholesaler. Former colleagues attributed his closure to the loss of my trade, though my former employers who called in his lease and built on the site had more to do with it! RtS