The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118449   Message #2563277
Posted By: GUEST,Chongo Chimp
10-Feb-09 - 06:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: What do you do when you feel lonely?
Subject: RE: BS: What do you do when you feel lonely?
"What do you do when you feel lonely?"

Well, first I get kinda morose and then I drink and smoke heavily. The more I drink and smoke, the more morose I get. The need to share my loneliness and my growing morosity with others eventually drives me out to some local cheap and sleazy bar, where I sit down and have a few more drinks and smokes. I am usually surrounded by various lowlife types, strangers and casual acquaintances who are mostly in a similar mood to mine. You got yer lowlife Humans, you got yer lowlife Simians, there ain't much to choose between 'em. We start sharin' stories about why we are lonely and morose and comparin' notes, so to speak, and decidin' who is to blame for our morosity. Sooner or later we begin arguin' about somethin' that either don't matter or that we can't politics or religion or interspecies relations. Sooner or later some bozo says somethin' he shouldn't have, and tempers flare. Then the fists, bottles, knives, boots, and chairs begin to fly as I hammer home my point inta somebody's thick skull who shoulda known better than to get lippy with Chongo Chimp.

At that point I am too damn busy just stayin' alive to be lonely anymore.

Problem solved.

- Chongo Chimp