The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118519   Message #2565352
Posted By: frogprince
12-Feb-09 - 06:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dog Covers His Puke
Subject: RE: BS: Dog Covers His Puke
Oh, gawd...
Two bums were walking down the railroad track, both extremely famished. They come upon the remains of a cat which hadn't quite gotten clear of the rail in time, and which had subsequently ripened in the sun for a awhile. One of them ate some of it. The other refused the offer of a share. "How", he exclaimed, "can you eat a cold dead cat". It wasn't all that long before the first bum regurgitated. The second then proceeded to eat it. "I knew", he said, "that if I waited awhile, I could have mine warm".

    Don't blame me; blame the other kid in 3rd grade who told us that one...