The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118592   Message #2565586
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
12-Feb-09 - 10:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Salma Hayek breastfeeding flack
Subject: RE: BS: Salma Hayek breastfeeding flack
I've done a few searches, but I have not found the "public outrage" that everyone is claiming is occuring.   People in this forum seem to indicate that people are upset that she was breastfeeding - but the ONLY question I see being raised in the media is the QUESTION of whether it is okay to breastfeed someone elses child. I have not seen anyone playing up a racial angle or questioning the simple act of breastfeeding. Except here on Mudcat of course.   Maybe we are creating issues that do not exist?

Frankly, there is nothing wrong with asking the QUESTION. While Mudcat seems to be filled with folks that know everything, the rest of the world sometimes questions things they are not familar with - and - here is a newsflash - it can often lead to greater understanding of situations that are foreign to their world. I don't wish to shock anyone here, but there are people who are unfamiliar with the situation in Sierra Leone and there are also people who do not know a lot about breastfeeding. While many of us feel superior because we are enlightened, I question the wisdom of posting messages that make the rest of the world seem stupid simply because they do not have the experience with the subject.

At the same time, we have people like PDQ who are posting messages with one hand while searching the internet to get a look at Salma Hayek's rack.   It seems that we have a few Puritans who would rather see her tie those puppies down and ignore her own beauty. Sounds like it traces back to bad toliet training.