The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118592   Message #2565616
Posted By: Big Mick
12-Feb-09 - 11:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Salma Hayek breastfeeding flack
Subject: RE: BS: Salma Hayek breastfeeding flack
pdq .... I know you think you are making a point, but you really are just making a fool of yourself... something you do a lot of. You see ..... it goes like this. Pointing out that she poses for sexy, beautiful pictures does not indicate that she is something other than a good person. Now I know in your twisted, conservative mind beauty is equated with evil, sexiness means that this person must have an agenda to take advantage of poor unsuspecting males, enticing them into compromising situations to where they just cannot help themselves .... the world should be protected against these immoral vixens, right?????? They have breasts and they don't hide them, the shameless hussies. Why, they even feed starving children with them so the kid can have some nourishment, and then use their celebrity to emphasize the starvation problems, the no-good, wanton seductresses.. Tell you what, I think we should lock them all in your bedroom, chained to the bed and make them look at the shrine, candles and all, that you have created for them....... that'll fix 'em.
