The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79509 Message #2565896
Posted By: Bill D
13-Feb-09 - 09:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dream Interpretation
Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
Just happened to see this thread again after waking from a recurring dream motif.
I have had....maybe a dozen times.... a dream about taking a trip, usually by plane, to someplace where I and others stayed and visited with people. It is always complicated in getting meals, arranging sleeping quarters, deciding what to do while there. Usually, the complications seem to be the whole point, as I seldom remember the point of why we are there. Then, I always am suprised and unready when it comes time to pack and return home. It suddenly become apparent that if we are going to leave Sunday, that we can't plan more 'whatever' for all day Saturday. There is frantic packing, loading of 'stuff' into some vehicle and getting it to airport, always with layers of issues of who is coming, what belongs to whom and whether we have found everything. Almost never do I actually GET home again, as I usually wake up during the furor of the packing routine.
I have similar dreams about folk festivals and trying to attend everything.
A life full of worries & uncertainty?.....ummmm..... *grin*