The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118592   Message #2566212
Posted By: Sleepy Rosie
13-Feb-09 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Salma Hayek breastfeeding flack
Subject: RE: BS: Salma Hayek breastfeeding flack
And for those preoccupied with Salma's admittedly fabulous breasts, again, the breast-feeding footage, showed not as much as a postage stamps worth of flesh.

Anyway, she's obviously an amazingly attractive woman, who as we can see full well has long ago "been there and done that", and is so *desperate* to promote herself that she *chooses* to work *behind* the camera these days...

So, as well as being a Mum, and doing good grounded humanitarian stuff, that needs to be done. The fact that she also happens to be gorgeous and bloody sexy is kinda neither here nor there. Nor are the standard publicity photos that every sleb has taken.

But I sure don't think she needs to get her tits out to feed black babies, in order to promote herself...

Anyway's I think most folks get it.

I've always personally liked her lots, as an image of a smart, strong, self-possessed, sexy woman. With a fantastic example of a very non-anorexic/classically 'feminine' body, who really is on top of her game in an industry which so often chews up and spits out women.

Good on her, for risking the bad publicity which she has, in doing something so obviously controversial - for those reasons she was already there to promote.
And more power to her elbow. It seems a fairly cut and dried case to me.