The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118630   Message #2566863
Posted By: Ptarmigan
14-Feb-09 - 01:20 PM
Thread Name: Should O Murchu resign from Comhaltas?
Subject: RE: Should O Murchu resign from Comhaltas?
I know a local branch who, I believe, had the same Chairperson running things for donkeys years!

Why are there no rules within the CCE machine, to ensure that committee members MUST step aside after a maximum of say three years, to let others take a turn?

Surely this rule should be in place throughout the organisation, otherwise all you get are a load of stodgy, stuck in their ways, OLD FARTS in charge of things?

I glanced at a CCE magazine recently, for the first time in many, many years & all I saw were the same tired old faces looking out at me from so many of the photographs.

The Dinosaur needs a facelift!
