The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118653   Message #2567025
Posted By: wysiwyg
14-Feb-09 - 05:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: 20/20 & Mountain Dew
Subject: RE: BS: 20/20 & Mountain Dew
The Appalachian culture extends far beyod the borders of the mountains, though, as groups left for "better" conditions in some urban areas and set up mini-cultures there as groups tend to do.

Eventually they lose the accent, but not much else, tho they learn to hide their inner selves well from the prevailing culture. Sometimes they hide it so well they no longer recall that it is their culture of origin, and that it continues to drive their mindset and worldview.

Again, I refer folks back to Also see video if you can find it-- I believe I have a copy-- "Though Their Fields Were Streets." Another good resource is the Jane Fonda film, "The Dollmaker."

I do know what I am talking about, tho I do not have time to conduct the seminar here that would ne needed-- I eat this stuff for breakfast, IRL. One possible starting point, without the semimar, would be for people to look back into their OWN ethnic and cultural background, take pride there, work thru the victimizations there, and THEN try to embrace a new culture and think about how to impact it in a positive way. The other "short version" starting point is to find out what the Apps are asking from their allies, and do it/give it, remembering that they are indeed in charge of their own path out of the bad situations they find themselves caught up in. Between these tow starting points lies the real work that creates real change and not just "Ain't it a Shame"-type thinking that usually co-opts sincere caring into apathetic, paralyzed, numb non-action.
