The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118653   Message #2567136
Posted By: GUEST,mg
14-Feb-09 - 08:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: 20/20 & Mountain Dew
Subject: RE: BS: 20/20 & Mountain Dew
One thing that would and does help rural communities is mobile butchers..of course they need to be inspected, have extremely good sanitation etc....but most people don't have the skills or the desire to butcher their own small animals...they could be raising pigs, (large animal), goats, rabbits, chickens, turkeys, pond fish...guess they could butcher a fish..

And it should be presented to them wrapped ready to freeze...with perhaps if they can't afford it a percentage taken back for a food bank or something.

We also need to look at smaller livestock..easier to butcher, more manageable amounts of food. I really want one of those Kerry cows..not a miniature..just a smaller cow than usual.

Every school should be rimmed with fruit trees, every church, every home. It seems to me Appalachia would be a natural place to grow various nut trees and bushes too..

We have lost our skills and lost our way and need to retrace some of our steps in America. mg