The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118665   Message #2567221
Posted By: Janie
15-Feb-09 - 01:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening, 2009
Subject: BS: Gardening, 2009
Well, I'm still observing and thinking, and other than to find places to put the plants in the ground that I brought with me from my old place last July, I don't expect to do a lot of gardening this spring. Even those, I will probably not site permanently for the most part, but they will do better in the ground and require less maintenance than if I leave them in pots. I'm having a hard time accepting that I don't have the time, the energy, or the money for major landscaping at the present time.

I did fill some large pots today with potting soil and fertilizer and am going to plant them with assorted salad greens, kale, green onions and the like. I figure there will be sufficient sun before the oaks leaf out to do that, and I can start moving the pots around to sunnier spots a bit later as needed.   There is absolutely no where with enough sun for a summer garden, but I may try a tomato in a pot out by the road, where it probably gets 5 hours of summer sun. Should get at least a couple of tomatoes from that.

It's late to being doing this, but I broadcast some "bread" poppy seeds in a little existing bed that I added a little dirt and compost to last fall. Was gonna use that little space for my salad garden, but unless I raise the bed and put a cold frame over it, or a little fence, the rabbits would just eat the greens. They won't bother the poppy plants.

I'm eager to hear about your gardens, plans, ideas and experiences, especially since most of my own gardening pleasure will be vicarious this season.
