The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118665   Message #2567282
Posted By: My guru always said
15-Feb-09 - 05:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening, 2009
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening, 2009
I'm not much of a gardener (yet) but I do a lot of 'tidying up' possibly at the wrong time of year for all I know!

The last couple of days I've been cutting our Old Roses back to good buds which I'm sure is right. While stuff isn't in growth I'm also trying to reconstruct/straighten path & driveway edges that have expanded over the years of neglect here. We're now able to position our caravan along the small driveway which used to be too overgrown, thus giving us more space on our main driveway.

We've an avenue of Yew trees along the drive from the road and lost one of the large branches to the weight of snow recently. Richard happily got his chainsaw out to take it off properly behind the break & we had a bonfire of most of the branch the other day. I went through it and salvaged some smaller, straighter branches first though!

Also trying to reclaim some lawn areas (I need them so more people can put up tents at our Easter party) which Japanese Anemones & Primroses have overtaken. I'm potting the stuff I take out so that I can either replant them in other areas of the garden next year, or pass them on to friends. Last year Richard managed to clear a large area of garden that had overgrown & lawn-seeded it in October. It's looking good & there's space for 2 more medium tents or 4 people *grin*

I'm out there every day we're at home & it's not actually raining. Who knows, over time I may start to learn a bit about actual gardening *grin*