The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118653   Message #2567418
Posted By: wysiwyg
15-Feb-09 - 09:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: 20/20 & Mountain Dew
Subject: RE: BS: 20/20 & Mountain Dew
Eddie, I am sorry you feel talked down to. As I said repeatedly, I just do not have time to get into this subject any more deeply than I already have, and I know from solid experience that a Mudcat thread is not how change is going to happen-- in addition to the other ways I referred to in my post of 14 Feb 09 - 08:30 PM. And nowhere did I suggest we go to Appalachia and teach RC to the people who live there. Read my post again. I suggested pretty much the opposite, actually. :~)

And, BTW my experience includes what I learned in RC, but in no way is my approach limited to it. You made an impressive chain of assumptions when you took aim at me, that don't actually have much to do with me. You kinda thre the baby out with the bathwater there, Eddie. :~)

Competition arguments among people who want to hellllllp are typical in classism..... it's just one way potential help gets disabled and headed off. It doesn't matter. Folks here might feel better that they had done something, but every Mudcatter here could send every dime they have to Appalachia and the Powers That Be would still be in firm control.

People like me will still do what we do, quietly, and I hope there are folks already at work as I have described. "They walk among us," you know. :~)
