The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118390   Message #2567584
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
15-Feb-09 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Time for Tax Reform
Subject: RE: BS: Time for Tax Reform
The point is surely the one made by Hubby, that the Obama supporters on this thread are hypocrits.

Ake, you've (deliberately) missed the point, as did SH.

The only reason we're not hearing about Republicans who are no doubt equally entangled in tax discrepancies is because most of them aren't coming under the public spotlight. But they have the same problems.

There are lots of loopholes but there are also lots of pitfalls in the tax codes that just plain aren't fair. They need to be simplified and corrected to more adequately reflect the life and activities of wage earners and investors. Every time someone proposes another credit, I wince. Like offering to give back money at the end of the year if some impoverished family will cough up the cash all year long to buy mandated private (for profit) health insurance. This is the Republicans saying "let the private insurance companies continue to take their profits first and provide stingy care with the rest, and then let the federal government lose tax revenues by offering a credit to those individuals who paid into private insurance companies for those mandated services." It's ludicrous, it is obvious, but somehow, it kept getting proposed.

The reason people came down so hard on Hillary when Bill was first in office and she started examining health care was that she didn't want the private for-profit companies in there calling the shots. So those companies slammed her every way they could think of, and people in general didn't catch on that it wasn't REALLY the public who objected to what she was doing, it was that they were manipulated by advertising and "study groups." People not paying close attention couldn't see through the insurance company propaganda and hear anything beyond the protests of idiot radio hacks like Limbaugh.

So as a result the Bush administration tried to bolster plans that benefited private insurance companies (and didn't they do a brilliant job with the medicare drug plan that did go through, in which it was prohibited that any bargaining for lower drug prices could occur and confusion is the objective?) No doubt about it, the elders in this nation got phucked by Bush and the drug plans.

The work that income taxes are being asked to do are mostly to obfuscate the stay-rich schemes of private industry and their Republican cronies in office. So now while there is at least a two-year period when Democrats are in control, they need to make a serious attempt to eliminate this outlandish behavior.