The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118653   Message #2567586
Posted By: wysiwyg
15-Feb-09 - 12:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: 20/20 & Mountain Dew
Subject: RE: BS: 20/20 & Mountain Dew
I'm happy to let people make up their own minds.

Well as it happened, I WAS eating that stuff for breakfast, for the last several weeks as well as when I posted that. But I can see how it hit you, because you can't see me here at home wearing a doubled-over sleeping bag as a leg sack, running a slow sack race at home from one cold room to the next to get my hot brekky tea while working away on a leadership summary/resume thingy for just such issues as have been under discuission hereabouts of late.

Or the lingering image, thanks to the article you linked, of the next Mudcat Gathering's orgy. I had not thought of THAT activity, but I think most Catters who have attended them were too busy tiptoeing around my faith roles to suggest it. :~) It's so hard to see people in 3 dimensions, eh? Next time you come, run the orgy, OK?

I'm happy to let people make up their own minds, too. It's a good summary statement for my resume, in fact. :~)
