The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118653   Message #2567957
Posted By: GUEST
15-Feb-09 - 10:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: 20/20 & Mountain Dew
Subject: RE: BS: 20/20 & Mountain Dew
Oh for heaven's sake. They say the Appalachians stretch to Mississippi because that allows the power companies to participate in TVA projects.

There is a tiny corner of the state which touches the Tennessee River. The highest point in Mississippi is I believe 806' above sea level. The state is mostly gently rolling hills and coastal plain, with a large chunk of Mississippi river alluvial plain. No mountains, no hollers.

"There is a little bit of that upland area in the far North and East part of the State of Mississippi. The Alabama part of the range is closer to New Orleans, if you're looking to draw a line from the end of the mountains to the city. According to a geologist I worked for, most of the state is the delta of the river (as opposed to the MOUTH of the river, which is down near New Orleans).