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Thread #118677   Message #2568022
Posted By: Sawzaw
16-Feb-09 - 02:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama: I'm Not A Sap
Subject: RE: BS: Obama: I'm Not A Sap
"Kind of like the paper preceding the war preparations. But, silly me. That was the Republicans."

That is kind of like horse shit.

A. how many pages were in the bill? 5 pages
B. How long did they have to read it?
C. They did not have to vote for the bill and were not obligated to vote for anything they were not able to read.

Not One Person in Congress Read the 1,100 Pages

Canadian Free Press February 14, 2009

The "Stimulus Package" with over 1,100 pages was handed to law makers at 11p.m. on Thursday night and Pelosi wanted their votes the next day, because she was leaving for Rome to consult with the Pope.

Obama had promised at least 48 hours to read and understand the package bailout plan, and NOT one congressman has read the 1,100 pages, but with eyes closed, they voted for something they did not see, understand, comprehend, nor did they allow the voters to voice their opinions about something that will in-fact "change" our country into a socialist regime, not to mention...they just screwed-up the eVerify program!

Three key figures we need to replace ASAP in the Republican Party......

1) Arlen Specter (R-PA)
2) Susan Collins (R-ME)
3) Olympia Snowe (R-ME)

All three went against the advice of their fellow republicans and voted "Yes" on this package, while NOT ONE read the contents!!

Obviously....Our Congress is dangerous, out-of-control, and conducting business, not on behalf of the American people, but on behalf of their social acceptance to the next cocktail party in Washington.

They should be absolutely ashamed of themselves, and I hope Harry-da-Reid (D-NV) enjoys his $$billion some odd dollar grant (joy ride) on his super shuttle train between Las Vegas and Disney World, thanks to the stupid tax payers that voted for "Change," which will only amount to a $250 bonus to each person, the tax payer's token for using their empty Pelosi laughs all the way to the Vatican in her G-V jet to give the Pope his share of the scam money.

"Stimulus Package" to Give Jobs to Illegal Aliens

U.S. Border Patrol (Local 2544)

2-14-09 Congress has stripped language from the stimulus bill that would help ensure illegal aliens don't take jobs from Americans and legal immigrants. It is mind-boggling to think that our representatives are so spineless that they can't even stand up to the Hispanic Caucus at a time when jobs are disappearing at astonishing rates and many Americans are faced with financial ruin. E-Verify is fast, simple to use, and discriminates against nobody. It simply verifies that a person is legally entitled to work in this country. We know it sounds simple, but Congress found a way to screw it up.

Why would the Hispanic Caucus and our representatives be so opposed to using a simple program to help verify the legal status of workers? Good luck getting them to answer that question directly. It is this type of malfeasance and pandering that is largely responsible for driving this country to the brink of a depression.