The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118677   Message #2568183
Posted By: Sawzaw
16-Feb-09 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama: I'm Not A Sap
Subject: RE: BS: Obama: I'm Not A Sap
Mexico would collapse tomorrow it the Billion$ sent by aliens to their relatives in Mexico stopped flowing.

Plus Mexico does not have to take care of their citizens that have entered the US illegally.

"Not only has this northbound flow of labor—as many as 400,000 to 500,000 emigrants annually—meant that the Mexican government isn't under intense pressure to provide for the welfare of half a million more people each year. It also has paid large dividends in terms of remittances. In 2007 an estimated $24 billion flowed back into Mexico from remittances, virtually all flowing south from the United States."

I am all for LEGAL emigration. America was built on legal emigration.