The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118653   Message #2568592
Posted By: GUEST,mg
16-Feb-09 - 05:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: 20/20 & Mountain Dew
Subject: RE: BS: 20/20 & Mountain Dew
Like what is a good idea? I would certainly say more public health nurses, mandated vocational education for every student (in America), free tuition for any student wishing to study nursing, electricity, civil engineering, dental hygeine, carpentry, diesel mechanics, agriculture, pulp and paper if that is doable there, teaching, especially vocational, computer science. Maybe others as well, especially in health fields.

Reform of food stamps so that only a small percentage could be spent on soft drinks, candy etc. Most should go to whole foods, benefiting the local farmers as well hopefully.

GED programs right there where they are needed. One girl, granted with a drug history, had to walk eight miles in the rain each way to get to her classes.

Some rural transportation so people could get to shopping centers, doctors etc.

Trash collection on an ongoing basis.

Water supply. Maybe Mountain Dew could be involved in this. Surely there is water there, hopefully untained. If not, truck some in with the Mountain Dew.

Further specials to focus on the positive aspects of the place, with some of the folklore, musical talent, stories of people who did escape the povery. mg