The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23153   Message #256866
Posted By: SingsIrish Songs
12-Jul-00 - 09:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: censorship
Subject: RE: BS: censorship
Sometime the "deleting of a thread" is very called the porn links. The Personal message option to Joe or Max or the others who have editing authority is the best solution when such offensive items happen to appear. That way the thread isn't always resurfacing and drawing attention...

"Mudslinging" is a very different matter, and best ignored or dealt with by a personal message to one of the "site editors" as I will call you, to alert attention to the thread/posts. If the offensive person is a member, perhaps a warning could be sent by the Mudcat staff???....would there be a way to block names from posting (executed by the Mudcat staff) if they continue acting up???

I don't read all the threads that thoroughly and have missed most of the "hateful", etc stuff that has been causing a lot of turmoil...

Mudcat is for all people--not just adults--some minors might access the site for research on songs, etc. So, I think this is something all should keep in mind. Heck, even prime time television shows have adult jokes mixed in that go right over the childrens heads....but if something is way out of line (like the porn links), then that type of "censorship" is well within reason.

That's just my thoughts on things.....
