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Thread #118587   Message #2568664
Posted By: Stringsinger
16-Feb-09 - 06:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Birthday, Charles Darwin!!
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday, Charles Darwin!!
God is not beautiful. Darwin is. Darwin was a great appreciator of beauty and Evolution is really beautiful when you think about it. He made some reference to peacock feathers being beautiful but not for survival but this doesn't mean he didn't appreciate beauty.

Consciousness comes from the brain, not some external mist. The knowledge we receive in our observation of nature comes from the brain, not some cosmic weird "consciousness".

Not to discuss what we know is presumptuous because this is what is in our genetic code.
Communication is a constant for our species. The sharing of ideas gives our lives meaning.

The idea that no one can know anything is ridiculous. We can know parts of anything very well as science has taught us. We have learned quite a lot about nature. The information about it is being discovered every day and is not in some quizzical void.

Evolution is a process but not always even.

Higher purpose doesn't come from the denigration of Evolution. In fact, Evolution insists on a higher purpose. Survival is beautiful. It is life and that needs no other higher purpose.

Sociobiologists have been misinterpreted by those who really don't understand it.
It's been given a deterministic label which it never purported to espouse.

Idealism in the modern age has been replaced by a more genuine understanding of our world. The idealism of the past was vague by comparison and embraced much violence and prejudice.

Darwin started with a viewpoint closer to creationism and as he studied, he changed.

Actually, agnosticism and atheism are just labels for degree of non-belief. Somehow, it's more fashionable today to declare agnosticism (which really is an admission of ignorance).
Atheism is not ignorance with the issue. It simply states that until valid proof exists that there is a god, then it means unbelief. (That simple). It's really hard to know what label Darwin put upon himself for what reason but it must be stated that he came from a theological point-of-view. I'm sure that he was conflicted on this issue.

The teleological argument about a divine creator and an ontological argument about the existence of a "soul" are easily disputed. The cosmological argument can never be finally brought to any conclusion.

Any claim of an intervention or cause of Evolution by a god has not been tested and is purely wishful thinking. Evolution flies in the face of a designer god. Many "mistakes" are made in Evolution and if it were designed, the designer would have had to been mad.

Mark Twain said it best. "Faith is believing in something you know ain't so".
