The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23134   Message #256900
Posted By: katlaughing
12-Jul-00 - 11:11 PM
Thread Name: MUDCAT DONATION*FineFolks&Place
Subject: RE: MUDCAT DONATION*FineFolks&Place
Oh fercrisakes, Spaw! You were dishing it out telling Meebs and others you'd tell 'em the dif between female and male nekkidness and now you are telling us ya don't how you and Karen got them boyz???!!! Thet it was some sort of eemacyoulet conseptshun?? Let me tell ya, them Reg boyz been aroun' latelee? Need a visit with old Ditzee Lee, she'll show right smart..or howza 'bout this...we get ole Bonnie down there in her white sox?


Oh, go on, ya big lug, I know they are a blessing, as are you and Karen to very many of us. One thing sis for sure, when I finally kick the bucket, I will be taking you and her and a whole passel of udder Mudders with me in my heart!

Blessed be and luvya'll....kat