The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118712   Message #2569224
Posted By: bald headed step child
17-Feb-09 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Road to Socialism
Subject: RE: BS: The Road to Socialism
1: Re-regulate what was deregulated, not just the banks either. The regulations were there for a reason. Some industries were a little over regulated, but those need to be addressed as single issues.

2: Forget about the Bush tax cuts. Roll back the Reagan tax cuts so the ultra rich start paying their fair share again, and are forced into expanding opportunity here. Hell, even guys like Warren Buffett say they aren't paying enough now.

3: Remove the cap from social security. This would almost immediately solve the insolvency of the social security system, and give the needed income for the health care proposals being offered.

4: Go back to FAIR trade instead of this free trade bulls$%#. Set the tarrifs in accordance with that country's policies on labor to encourage them to help their own workers. The current system is the way it is because we outlawed slavery here so the big corps just moved the work to countries where it is still basically legal. Those tarrifs need to be enforced on US companies who produce products overseas also, instead of giving them the blanket exemptions they currently enjoy.

5: Reinstitute the ban on "bucket shops". Bucket shops were one of the big problems 100 years ago, and were outlawed around 1908. The effective parts of the legislation were overturned in the late 1990's and signed by Clinton. This is what has caused the commodities speculation that among other things drove the oil prices to record highs last year, and continue to make the stock market so volatile now. It also effects the banking industry, as interest rates follow the markets, which are being manipulated to the advantage of "investors?".

These are just a few of the many "key" issues that are being ignored by Fox Noise and much of the other media.

The banking system very much needs to be overhauled, but without the rest, it will just spin it's way right back down to the bottom.