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Thread #118630   Message #2569241
Posted By: The Sandman
17-Feb-09 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: Should O Murchu resign from Comhaltas?
Subject: RE: Should O Murchu resign from Comhaltas?
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Feb 2009
Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann gets millions… but nobody knows how much - Mitchell

Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann gets millions… but nobody knows how much - Mitchell
Fine Gael National Press Office Press Release
Leinster House        Contact:        Olivia Mitchell TD
Dublin 2        Mike Miley        Arts, Sports & Tourism
Ireland        01 6184254        

Monday February 16th 2009

Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann gets millions... but nobody knows how much - Mitchell

Nobody in Government knows how much Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann receives in funding from the State with one Minister stating that it received €5 million in 2007 and his predecessor saying that that figure was €7 million, Fine Gael Arts Spokesperson, Olivia Mitchell TD said today (Sunday).

Deputy Mitchell welcomed the promised transparency for Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann accounts as they will soon have to be made publicly available but called for equal clarity from Government.

"When the Charities Bill becomes law later this year Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann, as an organisation that will enjoy charitable tax exemption under the terms of the Bill, will be obliged to publish its annual accounts.

"I have long sought information for the public about how the considerable State money it receives is actually spent. However, neither Comhaltas, nor the Minister dispensing the funds, have been willing to give any such information or to publish their accounts.

"This kind of secrecy surrounding public money is unacceptable and particularly so when the organization is headed up by an elected representative of the ruling political party. It is a pity that it takes a change in legislation to enforce the kind of transparency that is in everyone's interests.

"Comhaltas branches throughout the country and abroad do important, indeed vital, work promoting Irish music and culture but this does not obviate the need for transparency in the use of public funds. Last year the Department of Arts, Sport & Tourism gave €6 million and the Department of Community, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs gave €1.9 million. The Department of Foreign Affairs also funds some activities abroad and other public monies may also find its way to Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann but, without any publicised accounts, we simply don't know.

"In fact, even the Government seems uncertain just how much money it is distributing. In replies to my Parliamentary Questions, Minister Cullen stated the 2007 funding was €5 million but his predecessor the late Seamus Brennan asserted he had given them €7 million. This kind of contradiction and uncertainty does not inspire confidence that there is any supervision at all of how money is administered.
seems like Fine Gael,are on to this at last .