The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118712   Message #2569309
Posted By: bald headed step child
17-Feb-09 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Road to Socialism
Subject: RE: BS: The Road to Socialism
You are right on that Dick. Too big to fail is too big to exist,IMHO.

And what did the first part of the bailout do that Bush administered?

We gave the banks, that were too big to fail, money which they used to buy up more banks, which makes them even bigger.???!

De-regulation put us here, and the republican answer is to de-regulate more???

More tax cuts for those who don't pay now???

I think some who oppose the "socialist" agenda would have been on the Titanic cutting the lifeboats adrift with the argument that the ship will sink slower without the extra weight.

LH, you said what I was trying to get across in my post yesterday, but you probably said it a little better. Things are getting a little grim around here, and the projections for the trucking industry just say it's going to get even worse, so I get a little frustrated.