The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23197 Message #257047
13-Jul-00 - 10:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Most embarrasing album?
Subject: RE: BS: Most embarrasing album?
Masked Mauraders - this was the staff of Rolling Stone mag pretending to be a Stones, Dylan, etc jam session. A pretend bootleg.
Jim Dixon - The S&G album was an attempted rip-off. It was the Tom & Jerry tracks issued as S&G on the Allegro label. Paul Simon took legal action and had it withdrawn. He claimed that had it been issued as T&J he would not object but releasing it as S&G was ripping off fans.
My personal entry for this is an E.P. on EMI Odeon called Sameir and his Swinging Sitars play the Sound of Music. I beleive there is a coresponding L.P. This is a genuine release although I might have Samier's name wrong. I'm not with my collection at the moment. love, john.