The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118800   Message #2571346
Posted By: olddude
19-Feb-09 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: The forgotten workhorse the TRAIN
Subject: BS: The forgotten workhorse the TRAIN
My daughter just came left to go back to Denver, came home with her husband to visit a few days. Very sad to see her go back home but that is the way all dads are with kids. On the through way as always a sea of trucks. I wonder how much foreign oil the US would save if we started using more railroads again. Instead of a sea of trucks half all going to the same place. how about 1 train and then truck for the nearest location. I guess I am just living in the wrong century but boy I wish we still used the trains like we did when I was a kid. I think we could cut a huge chunk of foreign oil and pollution on top of it all. If we are going to invest in our national transportation structures like highways and bridges, why not our railroads? They are in sad shape and so under utilized I think. Am I wrong ? Is it just my love of trains showing through