The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118791   Message #2571855
Posted By: Sleepy Rosie
20-Feb-09 - 12:08 PM
Thread Name: BS - Smoking in cars with kids
Subject: RE: BS - Smoking in cars with kids
The thing that angers me most strongly in the case described by *this thread* in particular, is that it is apparantly QUITE OK for a 15 yr. old to easily and legally become a nicotene (ie: state tax supporting) addict, but (Oh dear!) if you happen to be an addict smoking *near* a fifteen year old, all of a sudden it's a criminal offence!

So the STATE can reap REVENUE from ADDICTED MINORS, while other adults are not legally entitled to smoke *near* them? Something up with this much?

I find such hypocrytical legislation, which comfortably and easily lumps the burden of blame *away from* the promoters (cigarette manafacturers/advertisers) and beneficiaries (both industry and state make a lot of money out of nicotene addicts) of addiction, to the addicts themselves, to be highly cynical, hypocritical, and even immoral.