The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23197   Message #257250
Posted By: Peter T.
13-Jul-00 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Most embarrasing album?
Subject: RE: BS: Most embarrasing album?
Hey, I love "Walking on Sunshine" -- Katrina and the Waves. In fact, if I had a convertible, I would drive up and down the streets with it blaring in the summer sun.

Embarrassing albums by people who should know better:

Most embarrassing recent album released (I don't own it, thank god): George Martin's tribute album to the Beatles ("In My Life") -- and a TV special to go with it!!!! -- George, George, we know you are going deaf, but Goldie Hawn????????Excruciating mess.

Most embarrassing string of recent albums released: Sinead O'Connor seriatim.

Most embarrassing string of albums ever: Paul McCartney and Wings.

Most embarrassing album in my collection: The Notting Hill Soundtrack.

yours, Peter T.